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What is the Windom PTO?!

The Windom Parent, Teacher Organization is a nonprofit group of Windom caregivers and staff that work hard to make our school community successful, welcoming, and fun! We use our fundraising dollars for educational apps, fun events including the school carnival, field trips, yearbooks and spirit wear tshirts for all students and staff, teacher and staff appreciation meals, classroom supplies, recess equipment, special grants, and more.


Co-chairs: Jara Hoyt and Kellie Riley

Treasurer: Phil Pappano

Secretary: Rosie Lodien

At-large: Meagan Pierluissi and Anne Carlson

Fundraising Coordinator: Jodi Underwood

Volunteer Coordinator: Charlotte Lyell

Principal: Eric Loichle

Staff Representatives: Adele Parks and Greta Wicker

Windom CARES Representative: TBD

Site Council Representative: Rebecca Dosse

Kindergarten Representative: Jill Melaas

How do I join?

As a Windom caregiver or staff you are already a member! All you need to do is join a meeting in person or online to vote, ask questions, and propose new ideas! 

If you're looking to get involved on the board stay tuned! In the spring of each year we select the board for the following year from all the interested parties. Please contact us at anytime if you have questions or want to get involved -

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